Monday, September 5, 2011

A Gentle Stretch for the Wrists

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it.
~Steven Wright

In our busy and sometimes hectic lifestyles, people don't really pay attention to their bodies unless something starts to hurt.  Even just a nagging pain can be endured for a little while.  Most of us spend a large majority of our time using our hands whether we are typing on computers, chopping vegetables, knitting, or the more popular multi-tasking with our handheld devices.  We use our hands a lot more than we realize.  
Yoga is a wonderful tool to bring body awareness to the student.  By gently stretching the muscles that attach from the forearm to the hand and fingers, the wrist extends and stretches where it usually flexes and contracts.
Let's try out a simple stretch.
  1. 1.  Sit or stand facing a wall.  
  2. 2.  Place your hands on the wall.  Hands and elbows are shoulder width apart.  Wrists are parallel to the floor. Spread your fingers.
  3. 3.  Notice the placement of the hands.  I would recommend placing the hands higher than the elbows and then look at the angle of the wrists.  You should not have a 90 degree angle (yet) and there might be a slight stretching sensation in your forearms.
  4. 4.  If you want and you feel comfortable doing this, bring the hands down so they are now at a 90 degree angle.  It almost feels like you are about to do a push-up facing the wall.  Gently press the palms and fingers into the wall.
  5. 5.  Breathe normally.  Stay in the stretch for 30 seconds to start.  
  6. 6.  Try pressing gently at first and then relax and see how that feels.

  7. Like with any stretch, listen to your body.  This stretch is just loosening some constantly contracted muscles, so it will take some time to train them to move or even relax in a different direction.  If you notice that the 90 degree angle doesn't work, then place the hands higher than the elbows and stretch that way for a week before increasing the stretch.  
    And remember that in the winter months this stretch on the wrists will feel different than in the summertime.  Also, various repetitive activities with the hands can effect how the stretch feels (and dictate how badly you may need it).  
    Be patient.  Give it a try.  Let me know what you think.

    ~ Namaste` 

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