Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Big Obstacle in Yoga is Just Getting to Class

The longest journey starts with a single step.
~ Proverb

I remember when I started attending Yoga classes 17 years ago.  I was working at a local health food co-op and there was a pamphlet on the bulletin board with info about Saturday morning Yoga classes.  I didn't know much about Yoga, but I knew that I wanted to know more.  The class was taught in an old church that had been converted into the teacher's home and work.  She not only taught Yoga but was a massage therapist.  I remember the sunlight streaming in those beautiful windows and thinking that I was home.  

Those Saturday morning classes were amazing and have changed my life.  I felt energized and relaxed and I thought I could conquer the world.  Those classes were my first steps.  I had no idea where the journey would take me but I have no regrets.  I have been a Yoga teacher for 13 years and have been blessed with wonderful students.  My students (along with my children) have been my teachers, as well.

Any Yoga teacher will attest to the fact that our Yoga practice, like life, ebbs and flows.  Sometimes it is just an event to stand on the mat in Tadasana (mountain pose) and feel your weight on your feet.  If you can do that, then I will bet you can probably do more.  The hardest part is the first step.
As my favorite Yoga teacher Judith H. Lasater would say, "Only do Yoga on the days you want to feel really good."

The biggest obstacle, then, is you.  I hope you make that first step, take a might find out that you like it.  But how will you know unless you try it?  See you there!

Yoga classes in Topeka posted 
on my other Yoga blog:

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